Contents of the World Pollen and Spore Flora volumes:
WPSF 1: Angiospermae, Fouquieriaceae DC. (1973)
WPSF 2: Angiospermae, Menyanthaceae Dum. (1973)
WPSF 3: Angiospermae, Magnoliaceae Juss. (1974)
WPSF 4: Angiospermae, Juglandaceae A. Rich. ex Kunth (1975)
WPSF 5: Angiospermae, Schisandraceae Bl. (1976)
WPSF 6: Angiospermae, Cornaceae Dum. (1977)
WPSF 7: Angiospermae, Entolomataceae Kotl. et Pouz. (1978)
WPSF 8: Angiospermae, Winteraceae Lindl. (1979)
WPSF 9: Angiospermae, Umbelliferae Juss. (1980)
WPSF 10: Angiospermae, Russulaceae Roze (1981)
WPSF 11: Angiospermae, Fagaceae L. (1982)
WPSF 12: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1983)
WPSF 13: Angiospermae, Fagaceae L. (1984)
WPSF 14: Angiospermae, Bombaceae Kunth (1985/1986)
WPSF 15: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1987)
WPSF 16: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1988)
WPSF 17/18: Angiospermae, Rhamnaceae Juss. (1993)
WPSF 19: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1994)
WPSF 20: Angiospermae, Burseraceae Kunth (1995)
WPSF 21: Angiospermae, Combretaceae R. Brown (1998)
WPSF 22: Angiospermae, Humiriaceae Juss. (2000)
WPSF 23: Angiospermae, Malvaceae Adams. (2004)
A few copies of some volumes are still available. Please send an e-mail to Sam Slater if you are interested.