The World Pollen and Spore Flora [WPSF] (ISSN: 0346-4601) was an irregularly published serial describing the pollen and spores in different families of spermatophytes, pteridophytes and fungi. Large plant families may be divided into suitable smaller taxonomic units. The World Pollen and Spore Flora was published by Scandinavian University Press, Oslo/Stockholm (1973-1994) and by Taylor & Francis, Oxford (1994-2004). Previously, it was part of the subscription to GRANA, from 1993 as a separate serial. It was discontinued in 2004.

Contents of the World Pollen and Spore Flora volumes:

WPSF 1: Angiospermae, Fouquieriaceae DC. (1973)

WPSF 2: Angiospermae, Menyanthaceae Dum. (1973)

WPSF 3: Angiospermae, Magnoliaceae Juss. (1974)

WPSF 4: Angiospermae, Juglandaceae A. Rich. ex Kunth (1975)

WPSF 5: Angiospermae, Schisandraceae Bl. (1976)

WPSF 6: Angiospermae, Cornaceae Dum. (1977)

WPSF 7: Angiospermae, Entolomataceae Kotl. et Pouz. (1978)

WPSF 8: Angiospermae, Winteraceae Lindl. (1979)

WPSF 9: Angiospermae, Umbelliferae Juss. (1980)

WPSF 10: Angiospermae, Russulaceae Roze (1981)

WPSF 11: Angiospermae, Fagaceae L. (1982)

WPSF 12: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1983)

WPSF 13: Angiospermae, Fagaceae L. (1984)

WPSF 14: Angiospermae, Bombaceae Kunth (1985/1986)

WPSF 15: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1987)

WPSF 16: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1988)

WPSF 17/18: Angiospermae, Rhamnaceae Juss. (1993)

WPSF 19: Angiospermae, Onagraceae Juss. (1994)

WPSF 20: Angiospermae, Burseraceae Kunth (1995)

WPSF 21: Angiospermae, Combretaceae R. Brown (1998)

WPSF 22: Angiospermae, Humiriaceae Juss. (2000)

WPSF 23: Angiospermae, Malvaceae Adams. (2004)


A few copies of some volumes are still available. Please send an e-mail to Sam Slater if you are interested.